by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Dec 10, 2020 | SQL coding
This article continues where the last one left off. If you’d like and go back and read that one you can find it here. In that article, an updatable view was created to replace an existing table. The table had been named myData and was renamed myDataBaseTable....
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Dec 2, 2020 | SQL coding
A reader, Rebecca, wrote asking: I have a table that contains a column. That table and column are used throughout our web site. The column is no longer valid and needs to come from another table. I need to quickly do this without having to change all of the code in...
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Nov 23, 2020 | SQL coding
There are many reasons for almost every table to have a primary key. This articles UDF locates any user tables that don’t have primary keys. Here’s the CREATE FUNCTION script: SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE FUNCTION...
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Nov 22, 2020 | SQL coding
A while ago I did a presentation about software distribution for Smart Client applications using .Net technologies. Part of the discussion was about the history of software distribution. Fifteen years ago problems were often dominated by DLL Hell and the Windows...
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Nov 21, 2020 | SQL coding, SQL Performance
The previous two articles have been devoted to implementations of the Rot13 cipher. This is a character substitution cipher that is used to obscure text strings in the Window registry and in many web cookies. Both implementations were contributed by Luke Schollmeyer. ...