by andrew novick | Sep 19, 2016 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL coding, Uncategorized
Download the presentation: entity-attribute-value-eav-the-antipattern-too-great-to-give-up-andy-novick The Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) is a design pattern for relational databases that uses an extreme form of normalization to achieve flexibility and the ability to...
by andrew novick | Sep 18, 2016 | SQL coding, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars
Download the Presentation .Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-presentation Demo files: Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-demo-sql SQL Server’s In-Memory tables are accompanied by Natively Compiled Stored Procedures and Functions that run at amazing speed. ...
by andrew novick | Apr 21, 2015 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL Performance, Uncategorized
SQL Server In-Memory Tables(Hekaton) Andy Novick April 2015 SQL Server 2014 aimed to improve OLTP performance by adding In-Memory tables and native compilation of the stored procedures that use them. In-Memory tables bring incredible speed for the right workload so...
by andrew novick | Sep 6, 2014 | Past Events, Presentations, User Groups
Join me as I discuss SQL Server 2014’s new In-Memory option for tables with the natively compiled stored procedures. This features allows up to 25 times the performance of traditional disk based tables for OLTP workloads. Presentation at the New England...
by andrew novick | Aug 31, 2014 | Downloads, SQL coding
It was written quite a while ago but if you’re starting out using functions in T-SQL, it’s still a good resource. Except for the section on system UDFs the rest of the book remains correct. There just haven’t been that many changes in how functions...