SQL Sever Performance Analysis and Tuning
Think your database is slowing down your web site or client/server application?
Start by finding out with the Analysis Solution:
- Architecture Review – Edition, Disks, CPU, Memory
- Configuration Review – Backups, Replication, Database Settings
- Performance Analysis – Slow SQL, Blocking Problems, Procedure Recompiles
- Recommendations – Hardware, Configuration, Operational Changes. Code Changes
- Continue on to improving your site:
- Configuration changes
- SQL Tuning – Index Tuning
- Operational improvements.
I use Microsoft’s analysis methodologies such as Read80Trace along with some home grown tools.
My process includes review of the server configuration from the drives up and fix, or outline how you can fix:
- Disk partition offset and formatting
- tempdb configuration
- Virtual Logical Files (VLFs)
- File Growth
- Instant file initialization
- About 10 other checks
- Review the schema and code (indexing, function use, etc)
This takes from one to several days, depending on how deep I go into the code.