by andrew novick | Dec 1, 2016 | SQL coding, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars
in-memory-tables-with-natively-compiled-t-sql-blazing-speed-for-oltp-and-more The SQL Server 2014 and 2016 Hekaton project brings us In-Memory tables and Natively Compiled T-SQL objects that run at amazing speed. What you can accomplish is astounding. This...
by andrew novick | Sep 20, 2016 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL coding, SQL Performance
Download the presentation: 100-times-faster-experiences-making-sql-server-fly-sql-saturday-prov-2015-12-12 How do you go about making a program run a lot faster! Like 100 times faster? It’s difficult. Microsoft tried in the Hekaton project, its in-memory tables...
by andrew novick | Sep 19, 2016 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL coding, Uncategorized
Download the presentation: entity-attribute-value-eav-the-antipattern-too-great-to-give-up-andy-novick The Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) is a design pattern for relational databases that uses an extreme form of normalization to achieve flexibility and the ability to...
by andrew novick | Sep 18, 2016 | SQL coding, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars
Download the Presentation .Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-presentation Demo files: Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-demo-sql SQL Server’s In-Memory tables are accompanied by Natively Compiled Stored Procedures and Functions that run at amazing speed. ...
by nsadmin | Apr 28, 2015 | Past Events, SQL coding, Talks and Seminars
PDF From Seacoast SQL 2015-04-27 Improving SQL Server Performance by Writing Faster T-SQL Code SeaCoast SQL UG 2015-04-27 Download file with Examples: Writing-Faster-T-SQL-Andy_Novick-Examples-2015-04-27 Recorded Webinar September 2014: Video Stored procedures and...
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Sep 1, 2014 | SQL coding
I’ve been working with scripting SQL traces over the last few weeks. To minimize the overhead of the trace, it can be sent to a file instead of the SQL Profiler or a table. I’m working on an article for Database Journal on the topic. As part of the...