by andrew novick | Aug 31, 2014 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars, Videos, Webinars
This webinar is now available for viewing online at any time. (About 60 Minutes) Some of the concepts we will cover include: Ways to find code that’s slow:...
by andrew novick | Aug 20, 2014 | SQL Performance
The SQL Profiler is a great tool for monitoring and analyzing SQL Server Performance. I use it all the time to watch the detailed actions of a stored procedure, trigger or user-defined function (UDF) that I am developing. It can also be used to monitor aggregate...
by nsadmin | Aug 20, 2014 | SQL Performance
This article is a copy if a enhancement request that I have submitted on the feedback section of the Microsoft Connect web site. Here’s a link to the item: You may have to log...
by Ian Bachman-Sanders | Aug 1, 2014 | Problems Solved, SQL coding, SQL Performance
This UDFs week solves a problem posed to me last week by a friend Gary. Gary wants to select a random row from one of his tables and was hoping that SQL Server would have some support for this task. The idea of selecting a random row runs counter to the ideas that...