by andrew novick | Dec 1, 2016 | SQL coding, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars
in-memory-tables-with-natively-compiled-t-sql-blazing-speed-for-oltp-and-more The SQL Server 2014 and 2016 Hekaton project brings us In-Memory tables and Natively Compiled T-SQL objects that run at amazing speed. What you can accomplish is astounding. This...
by andrew novick | Sep 18, 2016 | SQL coding, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars
Download the Presentation .Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-presentation Demo files: Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-demo-sql SQL Server’s In-Memory tables are accompanied by Natively Compiled Stored Procedures and Functions that run at amazing speed. ...
by nsadmin | Apr 28, 2015 | Past Events, SQL coding, Talks and Seminars
PDF From Seacoast SQL 2015-04-27 Improving SQL Server Performance by Writing Faster T-SQL Code SeaCoast SQL UG 2015-04-27 Download file with Examples: Writing-Faster-T-SQL-Andy_Novick-Examples-2015-04-27 Recorded Webinar September 2014: Video Stored procedures and...
by andrew novick | Aug 31, 2014 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL Performance, Talks and Seminars, Videos, Webinars
This webinar is now available for viewing online at any time. (About 60 Minutes) Some of the concepts we will cover include: Ways to find code that’s slow:...