by andrew novick | Sep 19, 2016 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL coding, Uncategorized
Download the presentation: entity-attribute-value-eav-the-antipattern-too-great-to-give-up-andy-novick The Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) is a design pattern for relational databases that uses an extreme form of normalization to achieve flexibility and the ability to...
by andrew novick | Apr 21, 2015 | Past Events, Presentations, SQL Performance, Uncategorized
SQL Server In-Memory Tables(Hekaton) Andy Novick April 2015 SQL Server 2014 aimed to improve OLTP performance by adding In-Memory tables and native compilation of the stored procedures that use them. In-Memory tables bring incredible speed for the right workload so...
by nsadmin | Jul 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
This is a great tip.
by andrew novick | May 22, 2014 | Problems Solved, SQL coding, Uncategorized, Videos
Download the sample script: Problem-Scalar-UDF-and-solution-andy-novick and a PDF of the slides: The Problem with scalar UDFs and a solution – Andy Novick Or watch the video on Youtube: User-Defined functions (UDF) have been around SQL Server since the...