SQL Performance Tips
Azure Databricks KKBox Hands-on-Lab with a comparison to SQL Server
I attended a webinar on Microsoft Databricks yesterday. The only link I have is a zoom registration so you’ll have to search. I’m sure they’ll run it again. The hands-on-lab made it very worthwhile. The rest was marketing fluff. They did a good job of the Lab and…
Comparing the Performance of Rot13 Implementations
The previous two articles have been devoted to implementations of the Rot13 cipher. This is a character substitution cipher that is used to obscure text strings in the Window registry and in many web cookies. Both implementations were contributed by Luke Schollmeyer. …
In-Memory Tables with Natively Compiled T-SQL: Blazing Speed for OLTP and More
in-memory-tables-with-natively-compiled-t-sql-blazing-speed-for-oltp-and-more The SQL Server 2014 and 2016 Hekaton project brings us In-Memory tables and Natively Compiled T-SQL objects that run at amazing speed. What you can accomplish is astounding. This…
100 Times Faster: Experiences Making SQL Server Fly
Download the presentation: 100-times-faster-experiences-making-sql-server-fly-sql-saturday-prov-2015-12-12 How do you go about making a program run a lot faster! Like 100 times faster? It’s difficult. Microsoft tried in the Hekaton project, its in-memory tables…
Natively Compiled T-SQL: The Fastest SQL Ever!
Download the Presentation .Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-presentation Demo files: Natively-Compiled-T-SQL-Andrew-Novck-demo-sql SQL Server’s In-Memory tables are accompanied by Natively Compiled Stored Procedures and Functions that run at amazing speed. …
SQL Server In-Memory Tables
SQL Server In-Memory Tables(Hekaton) Andy Novick April 2015 SQL Server 2014 aimed to improve OLTP performance by adding In-Memory tables and native compilation of the stored procedures that use them. In-Memory tables bring incredible speed for the right workload so…
Video – Improving SQL Server Performance by writing faster T-SQL Code- Sept 11, 2014
This webinar is now available for viewing online at any time. (About 60 Minutes) http://www.mssqltips.com/sql-server-video/332/proving-sql-server-performance-by-writing-faster-tsql-code/ Some of the concepts we will cover include: Ways to find code that’s slow: DMV’s…
Scripting Traces for Performance Monitoring on SQL Server
The SQL Profiler is a great tool for monitoring and analyzing SQL Server Performance. I use it all the time to watch the detailed actions of a stored procedure, trigger or user-defined function (UDF) that I am developing. It can also be used to monitor aggregate…
Proposed Solution to the Performance Problem with SQL Server Scalar UDFs
SQL Server scalar User-Defined Functions (UDFs) have a performance problem that could be solved with an enhancement to the SQL Server database engine.
Retrieving a Random Record in SQL Server using udf_Num_RanInt
This UDFs week solves a problem posed to me last week by a friend Gary. Gary wants to select a random row from one of his tables and was hoping that SQL Server would have some support for this task. The idea of selecting a random row runs counter to the ideas that…